We're excited to announce the first major step toward our vision for the future, Vero Newsletters!
Newsletters is a brand new, built-from-the-ground-up, standalone version of our Newsletter functionality, with its own pricing and new functionality.
Unlike other messaging products, Vero Newsletters doesn’t store user and event-level data. Instead it connects directly to data sources that already contain your user and event-level data. This enables you to “bring your own data”, design a great message and send it to your customers in three simple steps. Whether you have CRM data in Google Sheets, Airtable, Segment Personas, Looker, Redshift, Snowflake or anywhere else, our new Newsletters product provides a simple, powerful way to message customers.
We’d love you to try this new version of Vero. If you’re a current Vero user you can login using your existing Vero credentials. New users can sign up for a free account.