

Vero Cloud

Cloud Bugs and Improvements

Here's some bugs and improvements we shipped this sprint.
  • Added last edited date on workflows
    - When a workflow is live, its now possible to see when the last edits to the workflow occurred.
  • Segment Conditions UI
    - We made some small UI improvements to the conditions dropdowns when creating a segment or adding a filter. For instance we have changed the order of some conditions to make the most used options more easily accessible and updated the wording to reflect multi-channel campaigns and also removed beta status from the “has triggered event with property” condition.
  • Add conversion_type to webhooks
    - We’ve added the conversion_type field to our outgoing conversion webhook. The possible values are click indirect or open.
  • Security fixes and improvements
    - We’ve made a number of security updates and improvements.
  • Quotes in alt tags on images
    - Fixed a bug caused by using " quotes in the Alt field on the drag and drop editor for an image block.
  • Incorrect send time due to timezones
    - Fixed an issue that caused a campaign to appear to send at an incorrect time (by 1 hour). This happened when some timezones switched to/from daylight savings and has been resolved.
  • Incorrect finished time on an AB Test in a Workflow
    - An display issue that caused the ‘finished’ time to show incorrectly has been fixed.
  • Incorrect default language
    - We fixed a rare issue that would cause a campaign to use an incorrect language variation for a small number of recipients who don’t have a language property set. This occurred due to how our sending infrastructure cached the default language variation. This has now been fully resolved for all affected customers.
  • Template thumbnails
    - We fixed an issue that prevented template thumbnails from loading or from showing the latest version correctly.